Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Time flies, faster every year...

It's another summer, another road trip, and it starts ... tomorrow. This will be a quick one, because Olivia suddenly became old enough to drive and get a job and have a work schedule to adhere to. Sigh. Pretty soon, she'll be retiring and want to move in with me. This summer's road trip is probably headed north, to see some of Canada's natural wonders. Not sure we're headed north and west, or north and east, or north and north and north. But we have passports and a full tank of gas, and that's really all we need. I expect we'll go through the tunnel in the fraser river canyon that's on this mercedes video (AV-MercedesSLSRoll.wmv ), though I don't know if we'll go through the tunnel in quite the same way. We'll see. May depend on which of us is driving. Join us if you'd like...


Unknown said...

Good on ya! My vote would be "north, north and north" - keep blogging, please, and have a GREAT trip!

Tide Chaser said...

Enjoy! Jasper, Baniff and Lake Lousie are a must, stopping at all the hikes and everything in between....Taking the drive to and the hike at Edith Cavell is well worth it...very beautiful! Loretta and I were heading north til we heard gas prices around 6 bucks a gallon!

Tide Chaser said...

Oh, your great Aunts is Nancy and Loretta.....I do need to change that!